Tackle Football guide
The Tackle Football guide is your ultimate resource for all things American football. Whether you're a seasoned fan looking for in-depth analysis or a newcomer looking to learn the basics of the game, you've come to the right place.
American Football
The aim of the game is to get the ball into the opponent's end zone. This end zone is called the: Endzone. This is the task of the team's offensive team. The offensive team is called the Offense.
On the other side of the ball is the defensive team. The defending team is called the: Defence. Their goal is to make sure the opponent's Offense does not score.
First down
If a team is in possession of the ball, the team has 4 tries to cover 10yards. If the Offense succeeds, they get another 4 attempts, a First Down. Failing this, the ball goes to the opposing team and their Offense enters the field.
The 10-yards to be bridged is accurately tracked by a Chain-Crew using 2 orange poles tied to a chain and a Downmaker showing the current location of the ball and attempt.

To score, the ball must get into the Endzone. This can be done in 2 ways.
The playmaker. The Quarterback shortened to QB, can throw the ball to a Reciever. This is called a Pass. Or he can give the ball to a Runningback. This is called a Run.
If the ball enters the Endzone the team gets 6 points, this is called a Touchdown. After a Touchdown the offence may go for 1 or 2 bonus points, a P.A.T (Point After Touchdown). the team gets 1 point if the ball is kicked through the posts. Or the teamn gets 2 points if a Touchdown is made from 3 yards away. If the ball is kicked between the poles, it is called a Fieldgoal.

The field
The field is 120 yards in length and 53.5 yards in width. A yard is -/- 0.9 metres. The length consists of 2 Endzones, 1 on each side. From Enzone to Endzone there are lines in the width of the field every 5 yards. Every 10 yards is marked with a number with an arrow in the direction of the nearest Endzone. On the sideline, there is a large white plane. This plane is 120 yards long and 2 yards wide. This is for the Officals (referees) so they can run along freely without running into anything.
Along the length of the field, there is a line in 4 rows every other yard. These are the Yardmarkers. These are used to determine the location of the ball. The inner 2 drive yardmarkers are called Hasmarks.

A match consists of 60 minutes of pure playing time. This time is divided into four quarters. Every quarter there is a change of half. After the 2nd quarter there is halftime.
However, time on the clock can be stopped for 4 reasons
Incomplete pass: when a pass has not arrived.
Out of bounds: when the ball carrier runs out of the field.
Time out: if the coach or QB takes a time out.
Penalty: if the referee sees a violation of the rules.
Injurey Time out: if an injured player is on the field